Naturally the more you put into marketing your site's services to your customers and people in the wider local area, the more you will earn out of it. As part of your site we have provided you with similar sorts of tools as used at Boots etc. where customers can sign-up, tell you about their health and record key details in a safe, secure way and where you can easily search their records and email those that permit you with tailored offers and advice. We also provide both in-store marketing materials and help with local search and other internet marketing, facebook etc.
As Google begins to understand the relationships between all the members of our network including national newspapers, supermarkets, national chains as well over 1000 independents and to see them as authoritative sites, you will start to see benefits in your natural (unpaid) search rankings. This takes time and there is no magic formula but pharmacies that went live with us in March are already starting to appear on the first page of Google for certain e-commerce searches. For the price we are delivering your website service for, we don't make much in the way of profit. We make money if your site makes money so we are constantly working on ways we can help your site attract visitors and not just with Google. For instance, there is no central place for pharmacies to submit their website domain to all the different NHS websites so it appears when people are searching NHS sites for local service providers. We are currently working with NHS management to get all our member pharmacy sites properly listed.
No other local, national or general web developer can offer you this commitment or industry contacts and expertise as we only work in pharmacy.